Tuesday 11 October 2016


Wow it has been way too long since I updated this blog!

I have quite a few events all coming up on the downward spiral heading towards the end of the year.

  1. POP UP SALE - ARTIST STUDIO CLEAROUT!!  My wonderful group of arty friends and I are taking all sorts of seconds, samples, old stock etc to the Mt Eden Church Hall, 449 Mt Eden Road THIS SUNDAY........there will be a mixture of glass, jewellery, paintings, prints and loads or arty stuff.  16th Oct. 9.30am - 4.30pm.
  2. NZ SOCIETY OF ARTISTS IN GLASS MEMBERS EXHIBITION "Light & Form" Friday October 21st - November 13th 2016 @ TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre (Pah Homestead).  (see my "Small Chair" entry).
  3. NZ SCULPTURE ONSHORE - Supporting NZ Womens Refuge 10 - 20th November 2016 Fort Takapuna.  I am so lucky to be part of this again and will post a pic of sculpture once it is installed.  Make the effort to visit if you can, all funds for a very worthy cause and always so much to see!
  4. Last on the list for the year is my STUDIO SALE.  This year the last Sunday of November falls on the 27th and I am already starting to sort, price and create more works.  I will have lots of gift boxed glass ready to go, old stock and seconds.  It is a good chance to call in and have a walk around our sculpture garden, have a glass of wine and my parents will be here too.  All welcome from 10am - 3pm Cash or chq only, remember no eftpos!